Sunday 21 February 2016

Poster Photos Taken and Mise-en-Scene

Poster Images by Slidely Photo Gallery

Above is a slidely gallery with all of the images taken for our poster. We decided to use shots which were outside of the doorway to reinforce the idea of intrusion into the home environment which is typically seen as safe. In terms of mise-en-scene we used Christmas lights as the trailer was based in the setting of Christmas time, we also subverted the use of this from being associated with joy and festicites to being linked with murder and death - as shown above, it is wrapped around one of the main character's ("Tiffany's") neck. Moreover, we nscar make-up on the victim for a more realistic look of being possessed and generally hurt. This was similarly done to our villain with use of liquid latex, face paint and tissue paper to create the "grill-like" mouth effect. 

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