Tuesday 23 February 2016

Individual Contribution


In terms of individual contribution in regards to the trailer, I was more involved with the filming process opposed to the editing process. When filming shots for our trailer, I made significant suggestions, most of which were included in the final trailer product.This would include the scenes where the Bible appears to be flickering by itself (to reinforce biblical references within the trailer), the chanting scenes of Bible verses and peep hole scene where the villain appears at the door. In terms of filming, I suggested filming the road-side scene where the main character is visible in the middle of the road and a whip-pan leads audiences to see the villain positioned behind her.This was an effective jump scare scene which is conventional within horror trailers. 

In terms of editing, I created the ending credits sequence which features all the cast and crew members. I used a professional image of credits to increase levels of professionalism to our trailer. In terms of sound within the trailer, I was looking for an effective sound transition to mark the end of the equilibrium and start of disequilibrium; to do this I typed keywords such as "demonic screaming" into YouTube and also looked at successful existing trailers to gain background research into what sounds scary and effective. 

When constructing the magazine cover, I had a significantly important role as I edited this media text piece. I made a list of fonts to choose from to gain a wide idea of what theme I was going for. Moreover, when making significant changes to the text piece, I actively consulted members of my team to gain a second opinion on decisions I had made. With regard to the construction of the poster, I had made a plan which  consisted of layers of both text and images in photoshop. This in turn made the process easier for my team member who then created the final piece as she knew the layout and then added in elements like the photo, masthead and credits. 

Below is a Soundcloud outlining my individual contribution the both the main media text and ancillary text.

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