Wednesday 24 February 2016

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation question 4: How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Below is a SoundCloud clip explaining the use of new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages.


I found that using media technologies were very important especially during the construction and research stages of my trailer. In order to film the trailer, we used a DSLR camera, a tripod and handi-cam. We came across the problem of lack of lighting so we used flashlights from our phones and lamps we found in the surrounding setting. Moreover, in the construction process, we used Adobe Premiere to edit and remaster our trailer. In terms of research, we used web 2.0 and YouTube to adhere to conventions found in existing media texts and to also research effective subversions we could apply.

With regard to the planning and evaluation stages of the trailer, I used Blogger to understand how much more work was needed to be done and how to improve aspects of both the main media product and the ancillary texts. Soundcloud enabled me to make quick clips with people in my target audience group to receive fast and effective feedback which was crucial for developmental stages of construction. 

The main piece of media technology used for my poster and magazine cover was Adobe PhotoShop. Adobe PhotoShop enabled me and my group to create a professional end media text piece and I was able to adhere to more skills during this process. I also used to find professional font styles for the masthead/ title for the poster and magazine cover, this website was very effective as it provided an abundance of font styles to choose from. In terms of both construction and planning, I used YouTube to look at how to use Adobe PhotoShop and understand some features I had not used before. I had also used Blogger to witness my progress and understand what skills and elements of constructions needed to be improved and completed. During research and evaluation stages of the poster and magazine cover, I had used web 2.0 to understand the effective elements of existing posters and magazine covers to apply this to our own in order to increase levels of professionalism, For evaluation stages on my blog, I used media technologies such as Prezi, Soundcloud and QuickTime to present my findings effectively and clearly.

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