Monday, 28 September 2015

Camera Angles

In terms of horror film, a variance of angles are used to depict different emotions and atmospheres, 

For example, the low angle would be used to highlight a sense of high status, power and dominance to that particular character as they would appear to be looking down at the camera and other characters, In a horror film, this angles would typically be used by the villain to assert dominance.

The high angle would be used to potentially make the victim or main character appear vulnerable or uneasy. They are being looked upon as prey from this angle as well as the bird's eye angle. However, the bird's eye angle could also be used upon the villain to highlight their tracking or stalking movements.

Both of these angles can be seen in action in the clip below from the American TV show Scrubs.

The eye level camera angle would be used to establish characters in a room to introduce them to the viewers and is typical of most if not all film genres.

The canted angle is widely used in horror settings to create an illusion of distortion and unease. This feature is widely used in the film "The Conjuring" to illustrate  distressful scenes of demonic possession around the home setting and between characters, Here I found a clip from the movie Slumdog Millionaire which features canted angles to represent themes of distress and transition in the main character's life.

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